Monday, August 11, 2014

Soon we'll have a trailer! (Something that apparently comes BEFORE something else, oddly enough)

Shayne Hood and Deedy (Dorothea Jensen to you) are making a TRAILER for our Izzy Elf stories!

We Izzies are very excited about this, and can hardly wait to see it. Deedy says she will put it right here in our IzzyElfBlog when it is finished.  If she can figure out how to do it.

But meanwhile we are all puzzling over the fact that a trailer is NOT something that trails behind something else, but comes BEFORE it.

Who knew?????

Here is a picture that shows all of us looking worried - we actually look a bit like this right now because we're confused. We're not really worried, you understand, but this picture comes the closest to showing how we feel. It was created by Shayne Hood for Blizzy's  story: Blizzy, the Worrywart Elf. We really were worried when that picture was painted. Not like now. We're just confused. Really.

Thanks for reading our blog!!

Love from the Izzy Elves

To learn more about us Izzies or about Deedy, please go to her website:

1 comment:

  1. Getting closer!! It is exciting and a little daunting at the same time! Thanks for sharing on the Kid Lit Blog Hop.
